#nop #nop Spell tracker #nop #var {leftar} {1} #var {linecheck} {s} #var {lineno} {19} #ali {goa} {#sub {You utter the words%1$spellaa%2} {You utter the words%1$spellaa [$leftaa]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellba%2} {You utter the words%1$spellba [$leftba]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellca%2} {You utter the words%1$spellca [$leftca]%2}} #ali {gob} {#sub {You utter the words%1$spellab%2} {You utter the words%1$spellab [$leftab]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellbb%2} {You utter the words%1$spellbb [$leftbb]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellcb%2} {You utter the words%1$spellcb [$leftcb]%2}} #ali {goc} {#sub {You utter the words%1$spellac%2} {You utter the words%1$spellac [$leftac]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellbc%2} {You utter the words%1$spellbc [$leftbc]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellcc%2} {You utter the words%1$spellcc [$leftcc]%2}} #ali {god} {#sub {You utter the words%1$spellad%2} {You utter the words%1$spellad [$leftad]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellbd%2} {You utter the words%1$spellbd [$leftbd]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellcd%2} {You utter the words%1$spellcd [$leftcd]%2}} #ali {goe} {#sub {You utter the words%1$spellae%2} {You utter the words%1$spellae [$leftae]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellbe%2} {You utter the words%1$spellbe [$leftbe]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellce%2} {You utter the words%1$spellce [$leftce]%2}} #ali {gof} {#sub {You utter the words%1$spellaf%2} {You utter the words%1$spellaf [$leftaf]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellbf%2} {You utter the words%1$spellbf [$leftbf]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellcf%2} {You utter the words%1$spellcf [$leftcf]%2}} #ali {gog} {#sub {You utter the words%1$spellag%2} {You utter the words%1$spellag [$leftag]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellbg%2} {You utter the words%1$spellbg [$leftbg]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellcg%2} {You utter the words%1$spellcg [$leftcg]%2}} #ali {goh} {#sub {You utter the words%1$spellah%2} {You utter the words%1$spellah [$leftah]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellbh%2} {You utter the words%1$spellbh [$leftbh]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellch%2} {You utter the words%1$spellch [$leftch]%2}} #ali {goi} {#sub {You utter the words%1$spellai%2} {You utter the words%1$spellai [$leftai]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellbi%2} {You utter the words%1$spellbi [$leftbi]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellci%2} {You utter the words%1$spellci [$leftci]%2}} #ali {goj} {#sub {You utter the words%1$spellaj%2} {You utter the words%1$spellaj [$leftaj]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellbj%2} {You utter the words%1$spellbj [$leftbj]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellcj%2} {You utter the words%1$spellcj [$leftcj]%2}} #ali {gok} {#sub {You utter the words%1$spellak%2} {You utter the words%1$spellak [$leftak]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellbk%2} {You utter the words%1$spellbk [$leftbk]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellck%2} {You utter the words%1$spellck [$leftck]%2}} #ali {gol} {#sub {You utter the words%1$spellal%2} {You utter the words%1$spellal [$leftal]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellbl%2} {You utter the words%1$spellbl [$leftbl]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellcl%2} {You utter the words%1$spellcl [$leftcl]%2}} #ali {gom} {#sub {You utter the words%1$spellam%2} {You utter the words%1$spellam [$leftam]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellbm%2} {You utter the words%1$spellbm [$leftbm]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellcm%2} {You utter the words%1$spellcm [$leftcm]%2}} #ali {gon} {#sub {You utter the words%1$spellan%2} {You utter the words%1$spellan [$leftan]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellbn%2} {You utter the words%1$spellbn [$leftbn]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellcn%2} {You utter the words%1$spellcn [$leftcn]%2}} #ali {goo} {#sub {You utter the words%1$spellao%2} {You utter the words%1$spellao [$leftao]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellbo%2} {You utter the words%1$spellbo [$leftbo]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellco%2} {You utter the words%1$spellco [$leftco]%2}} #ali {gop} {#sub {You utter the words%1$spellap%2} {You utter the words%1$spellap [$leftap]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellbp%2} {You utter the words%1$spellbp [$leftbp]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellcp%2} {You utter the words%1$spellcp [$leftcp]%2}} #ali {goq} {#sub {You utter the words%1$spellaq%2} {You utter the words%1$spellaq [$leftaq]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellbq%2} {You utter the words%1$spellbq [$leftbq]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellcq%2} {You utter the words%1$spellcq [$leftcq]%2}} #ali {gor} {#sub {You utter the words%1$spellar%2} {You utter the words%1$spellar [$leftar]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellbr%2} {You utter the words%1$spellbr [$leftbr]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellcr%2} {You utter the words%1$spellcr [$leftcr]%2}} #ali {gos} {#sub {You utter the words%1$spellas%2} {You utter the words%1$spellas [$leftas]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellbs%2} {You utter the words%1$spellbs [$leftbs]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellcs%2} {You utter the words%1$spellcs [$leftcs]%2}} #ali {got} {#sub {You utter the words%1$spellat%2} {You utter the words%1$spellat [$leftat]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellbt%2} {You utter the words%1$spellbt [$leftbt]%2};#sub {You utter the words%1$spellct%2} {You utter the words%1$spellct [$leftct]%2}} #ali {line1} {#var linecheck a} #ali {line10} {#var linecheck j} #ali {line11} {#var linecheck k} #ali {line12} {#var linecheck l} #ali {line13} {#var linecheck m} #ali {line14} {#var linecheck n} #ali {line15} {#var linecheck o} #ali {line16} {#var linecheck p} #ali {line17} {#var linecheck q} #ali {line18} {#var linecheck r} #ali {line19} {#var linecheck s} #ali {line2} {#var linecheck b} #ali {line20} {#var linecheck t} #ali {line3} {#var linecheck c} #ali {line4} {#var linecheck d} #ali {line5} {#var linecheck e} #ali {line6} {#var linecheck f} #ali {line7} {#var linecheck g} #ali {line8} {#var linecheck h} #ali {line9} {#var linecheck i} #ali {spellaa} {#var spellaa} #ali {spellab} {#var spellab} #ali {spellac} {#var spellac} #ali {spellad} {#var spellad} #ali {spellae} {#var spellae} #ali {spellaf} {#var spellaf} #ali {spellag} {#var spellag} #ali {spellah} {#var spellah} #ali {spellai} {#var spellai} #ali {spellaj} {#var spellaj} #ali {spellak} {#var spellak} #ali {spellal} {#var spellal} #ali {spellam} {#var spellam} #ali {spellan} {#var spellan} #ali {spellao} {#var spellao} #ali {spellap} {#var spellap} #ali {spellaq} {#var spellaq} #ali {spellar} {#var spellar} #ali {spellas} {#var spellas} #ali {spellat} {#var spellat} #ali {spellba} {#var spellba} #ali {spellbb} {#var spellbb} #ali {spellbc} {#var spellbc} #ali {spellbd} {#var spellbd} #ali {spellbe} {#var spellbe} #ali {spellbf} {#var spellbf} #ali {spellbg} {#var spellbg} #ali {spellbh} {#var spellbh} #ali {spellbi} {#var spellbi} #ali {spellbj} {#var spellbj} #ali {spellbk} {#var spellbk} #ali {spellbl} {#var spellbl} #ali {spellbm} {#var spellbm} #ali {spellbn} {#var spellbn} #ali {spellbo} {#var spellbo} #ali {spellbp} {#var spellbp} #ali {spellbq} {#var spellbq} #ali {spellbr} {#var spellbr} #ali {spellbs} {#var spellbs} #ali {spellbt} {#var spellbt} #ali {spellca} {#var spellca} #ali {spellcb} {#var spellcb} #ali {spellcc} {#var spellcc} #ali {spellcd} {#var spellcd} #ali {spellce} {#var spellce} #ali {spellcf} {#var spellcf} #ali {spellcg} {#var spellcg} #ali {spellch} {#var spellch} #ali {spellci} {#var spellci} #ali {spellcj} {#var spellcj} #ali {spellck} {#var spellck} #ali {spellcl} {#var spellcl} #ali {spellcm} {#var spellcm} #ali {spellcn} {#var spellcn} #ali {spellco} {#var spellco} #ali {spellcp} {#var spellcp} #ali {spellcq} {#var spellcq} #ali {spellcr} {#var spellcr} #ali {spellcs} {#var spellcs} #ali {spellct} {#var spellct} #ali {lineletter} {line$lineno} #ali {linevar} {#math {lineno} {$lineno+1};#if {$lineno>20} {#var lineno 1}} #ali {check.to.lower %0} {#math {%%0} {$%0 - 1}} #ali {per3} {#act { [%2]%3 } {linevar;lineletter;#var lefta$linecheck %2;#var spella$linecheck %3;check.to.lower lefta$linecheck;go$linecheck}} #ali {per4} {#act { [%1]%2 %3[%4]%5 } {linevar;lineletter;#var lefta$linecheck %1;#var spella$linecheck %2;#var leftb$linecheck %4;#var spellb$linecheck %5;check.to.lower lefta$linecheck;check.to.lower leftb$linecheck;go$linecheck}} #ali {per5} {#act { [%0]%1 %2[%3]%4 %5[%6]%7 } {linevar;lineletter;#var lefta$linecheck %0;#var spella$linecheck %1;#var leftb$linecheck %3;#var spellb$linecheck %4;#var leftc$linecheck %6;#var spellc$linecheck %7;check.to.lower lefta$linecheck;check.to.lower leftb$linecheck;check.to.lower leftc$linecheck;go$linecheck}} #act { [%0]%1 %2[%3]%4 %5[%6]%7 } {linevar;lineletter;#var lefta$linecheck %0;#var spella$linecheck %1;#var leftb$linecheck %3;#var spellb$linecheck %4;#var leftc$linecheck %6;#var spellc$linecheck %7;check.to.lower lefta$linecheck;check.to.lower leftb$linecheck;check.to.lower leftc$linecheck;go$linecheck} {5} #act { [%1]%2 %3[%4]%5 } {linevar;lineletter;#var lefta$linecheck %1;#var spella$linecheck %2;#var leftb$linecheck %4;#var spellb$linecheck %5;check.to.lower lefta$linecheck;check.to.lower leftb$linecheck;go$linecheck} {5} #act { [%2]%3 } {linevar;lineletter;#var lefta$linecheck %2;#var spella$linecheck %3;check.to.lower lefta$linecheck;go$linecheck} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellaa [$leftaa]'} {#math {leftaa} {$leftaa-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellab [$leftab]'} {#math {leftab} {$leftab-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellac [$leftac]'} {#math {leftac} {$leftac-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellad [$leftad]'} {#math {leftad} {$leftad-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellae [$leftae]'} {#math {leftae} {$leftae-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellaf [$leftaf]'} {#math {leftaf} {$leftaf-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellag [$leftag]'} {#math {leftag} {$leftag-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellah [$leftah]'} {#math {leftah} {$leftah-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellai [$leftai]'} {#math {leftai} {$leftai-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellaj [$leftaj]'} {#math {leftaj} {$leftaj-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellak [$leftak]'} {#math {leftak} {$leftak-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellal [$leftal]'} {#math {leftal} {$leftal-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellam [$leftam]'} {#math {leftam} {$leftam-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellan [$leftan]'} {#math {leftan} {$leftan-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellao [$leftao]'} {#math {leftao} {$leftao-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellap [$leftap]'} {#math {leftap} {$leftap-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellaq [$leftaq]'} {#math {leftaq} {$leftaq-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellar [$leftar]'} {#math {leftar} {$leftar-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellas [$leftas]'} {#math {leftas} {$leftas-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellat [$leftat]'} {#math {leftat} {$leftat-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellba [$leftba]'} {#math {leftba} {$leftba-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellbb [$leftbb]'} {#math {leftbb} {$leftbb-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellbc [$leftbc]'} {#math {leftbc} {$leftbc-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellbd [$leftbd]'} {#math {leftbd} {$leftbd-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellbe [$leftbe]'} {#math {leftbe} {$leftbe-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellbf [$leftbf]'} {#math {leftbf} {$leftbf-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellbg [$leftbg]'} {#math {leftbg} {$leftbg-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellbh [$leftbh]'} {#math {leftbh} {$leftbh-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellbi [$leftbi]'} {#math {leftbi} {$leftbi-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellbj [$leftbj]'} {#math {leftbj} {$leftbj-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellbk [$leftbk]'} {#math {leftbk} {$leftbk-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellbl [$leftbl]'} {#math {leftbl} {$leftbl-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellbm [$leftbm]'} {#math {leftbm} {$leftbm-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellbn [$leftbn]'} {#math {leftbn} {$leftbn-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellbo [$leftbo]'} {#math {leftbo} {$leftbo-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellbp [$leftbp]'} {#math {leftbp} {$leftbp-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellbq [$leftbq]'} {#math {leftbq} {$leftbq-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellbr [$leftbr]'} {#math {leftbr} {$leftbr-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellbs [$leftbs]'} {#math {leftbs} {$leftbs-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellbt [$leftbt]'} {#math {leftbt} {$leftbt-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellca [$leftca]'} {#math {leftca} {$leftca-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellcb [$leftcb]'} {#math {leftcb} {$leftcb-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellcc [$leftcc]'} {#math {leftcc} {$leftcc-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellcd [$leftcd]'} {#math {leftcd} {$leftcd-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellce [$leftce]'} {#math {leftce} {$leftce-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellcf [$leftcf]'} {#math {leftcf} {$leftcf-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellcg [$leftcg]'} {#math {leftcg} {$leftcg-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellch [$leftch]'} {#math {leftch} {$leftch-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellci [$leftci]'} {#math {leftci} {$leftci-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellcj [$leftcj]'} {#math {leftcj} {$leftcj-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellck [$leftck]'} {#math {leftck} {$leftck-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellcl [$leftcl]'} {#math {leftcl} {$leftcl-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellcm [$leftcm]'} {#math {leftcm} {$leftcm-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellcn [$leftcn]'} {#math {leftcn} {$leftcn-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellco [$leftco]'} {#math {leftco} {$leftco-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellcp [$leftcp]'} {#math {leftcp} {$leftcp-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellcq [$leftcq]'} {#math {leftcq} {$leftcq-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellcr [$leftcr]'} {#math {leftcr} {$leftcr-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellcs [$leftcs]'} {#math {leftcs} {$leftcs-1}} {5} #act {You utter the words, '$spellct [$leftct]'} {#math {leftct} {$leftct-1}} {5} #act {$spellaa: You forget this spell} {#math {leftaa} {$leftaa-1}} {5} #act {$spellab: You forget this spell} {#math {leftab} {$leftab-1}} {5} #act {$spellac: You forget this spell} {#math {leftac} {$leftac-1}} {5} #act {$spellad: You forget this spell} {#math {leftad} {$leftad-1}} {5} #act {$spellae: You forget this spell} {#math {leftae} {$leftae-1}} {5} #act {$spellaf: You forget this spell} {#math {leftaf} {$leftaf-1}} {5} #act {$spellag: You forget this spell} {#math {leftag} {$leftag-1}} {5} #act {$spellah: You forget this spell} {#math {leftah} {$leftah-1}} {5} #act {$spellai: You forget this spell} {#math {leftai} {$leftai-1}} {5} #act {$spellaj: You forget this spell} {#math {leftaj} {$leftaj-1}} {5} #act {$spellak: You forget this spell} {#math {leftak} {$leftak-1}} {5} #act {$spellal: You forget this spell} {#math {leftal} {$leftal-1}} {5} #act {$spellam: You forget this spell} {#math {leftam} {$leftam-1}} {5} #act {$spellan: You forget this spell} {#math {leftan} {$leftan-1}} {5} #act {$spellao: You forget this spell} {#math {leftao} {$leftao-1}} {5} #act {$spellap: You forget this spell} {#math {leftap} {$leftap-1}} {5} #act {$spellaq: You forget this spell} {#math {leftaq} {$leftaq-1}} {5} #act {$spellar: You forget this spell} {#math {leftar} {$leftar-1}} {5} #act {$spellas: You forget this spell} {#math {leftas} {$leftas-1}} {5} #act {$spellat: You forget this spell} {#math {leftat} {$leftat-1}} {5} #act {$spellba: You forget this spell} {#math {leftba} {$leftba-1}} {5} #act {$spellbb: You forget this spell} {#math {leftbb} {$leftbb-1}} {5} #act {$spellbc: You forget this spell} {#math {leftbc} {$leftbc-1}} {5} #act {$spellbd: You forget this spell} {#math {leftbd} {$leftbd-1}} {5} #act {$spellbe: You forget this spell} {#math {leftbe} {$leftbe-1}} {5} #act {$spellbf: You forget this spell} {#math {leftbf} {$leftbf-1}} {5} #act {$spellbg: You forget this spell} {#math {leftbg} {$leftbg-1}} {5} #act {$spellbh: You forget this spell} {#math {leftbh} {$leftbh-1}} {5} #act {$spellbi: You forget this spell} {#math {leftbi} {$leftbi-1}} {5} #act {$spellbj: You forget this spell} {#math {leftbj} {$leftbj-1}} {5} #act {$spellbk: You forget this spell} {#math {leftbk} {$leftbk-1}} {5} #act {$spellbl: You forget this spell} {#math {leftbl} {$leftbl-1}} {5} #act {$spellbm: You forget this spell} {#math {leftbm} {$leftbm-1}} {5} #act {$spellbn: You forget this spell} {#math {leftbn} {$leftbn-1}} {5} #act {$spellbo: You forget this spell} {#math {leftbo} {$leftbo-1}} {5} #act {$spellbp: You forget this spell} {#math {leftbp} {$leftbp-1}} {5} #act {$spellbq: You forget this spell} {#math {leftbq} {$leftbq-1}} {5} #act {$spellbr: You forget this spell} {#math {leftbr} {$leftbr-1}} {5} #act {$spellbs: You forget this spell} {#math {leftbs} {$leftbs-1}} {5} #act {$spellbt: You forget this spell} {#math {leftbt} {$leftbt-1}} {5} #act {$spellca: You forget this spell} {#math {leftca} {$leftca-1}} {5} #act {$spellcb: You forget this spell} {#math {leftcb} {$leftcb-1}} {5} #act {$spellcc: You forget this spell} {#math {leftcc} {$leftcc-1}} {5} #act {$spellcd: You forget this spell} {#math {leftcd} {$leftcd-1}} {5} #act {$spellce: You forget this spell} {#math {leftce} {$leftce-1}} {5} #act {$spellcf: You forget this spell} {#math {leftcf} {$leftcf-1}} {5} #act {$spellcg: You forget this spell} {#math {leftcg} {$leftcg-1}} {5} #act {$spellch: You forget this spell} {#math {leftch} {$leftch-1}} {5} #act {$spellci: You forget this spell} {#math {leftci} {$leftci-1}} {5} #act {$spellcj: You forget this spell} {#math {leftcj} {$leftcj-1}} {5} #act {$spellck: You forget this spell} {#math {leftck} {$leftck-1}} {5} #act {$spellcl: You forget this spell} {#math {leftcl} {$leftcl-1}} {5} #act {$spellcm: You forget this spell} {#math {leftcm} {$leftcm-1}} {5} #act {$spellcn: You forget this spell} {#math {leftcn} {$leftcn-1}} {5} #act {$spellco: You forget this spell} {#math {leftco} {$leftco-1}} {5} #act {$spellcp: You forget this spell} {#math {leftcp} {$leftcp-1}} {5} #act {$spellcq: You forget this spell} {#math {leftcq} {$leftcq-1}} {5} #act {$spellcr: You forget this spell} {#math {leftcr} {$leftcr-1}} {5} #act {$spellcs: You forget this spell} {#math {leftcs} {$leftcs-1}} {5} #act {$spellct: You forget this spell} {#math {leftct} {$leftct-1}} {5} #act {^Spells being memorized} {#unac *[%*} {5} #act {^Spells currently memorized:} {#unvar spell*;#unvar left*;per5;per4;per3} {5} #act {Your studies complete} {mem} #hig {light blue} { [%0]'} #hig {yellow} { [1]'} #hig {light red} { [0]'}